Watermelon in the Garden Hose

Carl Gould serves as the emcee for “EO Nerve” and “Facilitator of Breakthrough the Barriers” and “The Firewalk Experience.” Carl is a business growth expert, mentor, and entrepreneur. He built three multi-million dollar businesses by age 40, has mentored the launch of over 5,000 businesses, and has trained and certified over 7,000 business coaches in 35 countries. Carl has written three best-selling books on business strategy and growth, with the most recent entitled, “Biz Dev Done Right.”What you’ll learn about in this episode

  • An evaluation checklist if you’re looking for a coach
  • How advance preparation can lead to big wins in all areas of your life
  • Carrying strong physical and mental energy throughout your day
  • The critical skill of persuasion: the most important skill you will ever learn in life
  • A never-ending role and function of your business that you need to master
  • How a garden hose is like a sales cycle
  • Why you need to spend at least 90 minutes a day on marketing
  • The biggest accelerant of your business
  • The importance of creating the systems that help you get sales/leads before you scale
  • Knowing who your ideal client profile is and what they are passionate about when it comes to your product/service